Ice Dams: What Are They and How Do They Affect Your Roof?

Ice dams can cause significant damage to both your roof and your home. This educational blog will explain to you what ice dams are, how they form, and why they’re a problem for your roof in the colder climates.

What Are Ice Dams? How Can I Stop Them?

  • What Are They? Ice dams are a buildup of ice along the eaves of a roof, usually caused by improper attic insulation or ventilation. They usually form through heat escaping the attic and melting the snow on the roof, which then refreezes in colder temperatures.
  • Consequences of Ice Dams: Ice dams can lead to water being backed up under shingles, which can cause leaks, mold, and wood rot.
  • Ice Dam Indicators: Some indicators of ice dams would be roof leaks, icicles along the edge of the roof, and visible ice buildup near and on the gutters.

It is important to schedule an inspection with Tucker Roofing Systems to assess and check your roofs before the winter months hit. Scheduling a regular inspection may significantly decrease the risk of ice dams throughout the cold temperatures.

Proactive Steps Every Homeowner Should Take

Preventing ice dams beforehand is always better than having to deal with the damage after. Before the colder months arrive, here are a few tips homeowners can take to prevent the arrival of ice dams.

  • Improve Attic Insulation: Proper insulation keeps air from escaping, reducing the chances of ice dams forming. Improving attic ventilation as well can help maintain a consistent temperature across the entire roof.
  • Seal Air Leaks: Sealing air leaks can help prevent warm air from leaking into the attic. Air leaks usually occur around pipes, ducts, and vents.
  • Install Heating Cables: In some cases, heating cables along the roofline can help with preventing ice dams and melting snow.
  • Clean Gutters: Clogged gutters can trap water and ice, increasing the chances of ice dams forming.

By taking these tips and applying them, homeowners will not have to worry about ice dams forming during the colder months. A proper roof inspection can provide well conditions for insulation and ventilation for the winter.

Safely Removing Ice Dams and Preventing Roof Damage

Even with proper steps taken to prevent ice dams, they can still form. This section of the blog will focus on how to safely remove them and minimize any roof damage.

  • Safe Removal Techniques: A roof rake with a long handle is ideal. You will start from the eaves and work upwards to remove any snow. To melt the ice, consider using a de-icing product like calcium chloride inside a fabric sock.
  • Professional Removal: In any extreme cases, contact Tucker Roofing Systems for safe and professional ice dam removal services.
  • After-Removal Inspection: After the ice is removed, inspect the roof for any damage and check gutters and downspouts for any blockages.
  • Preventing Further Issues: Take the necessary preventative measures to avoid further ice damming problems.

Tucker Roofing Systems is here to assist you with any ice dam removal, guaranteeing the protection of your roof for the long term.


Tucker Roofing Systems is a leading provider of high-quality roofing solutions dedicated to excellence in craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. With over 60 years of experience, we specialize in installations, repairs, and replacements, serving both residential and commercial clients. Contact us at (972) 833-2271 to schedule a consultation.